Asigurari de garantii

Sunt o alternativa excelenta la sistemul de garantii bancare, fara sa va creasca expunerea fata de banci. 

Furnizorii de bunuri si servicii care participa la licitatii au nevoie de garantii  - pentru a garanta actiunile lor si ale subcontractorilor.  You can save considerable sums of money if you insure your risk of defaulting under a work or supply contract.

We insure: 

  • bid bonds
  • advance payment bonds
  • performance bonds
  • warranty bonds
  • retention bonds

Why surety bond insurance with us makes sense:

  • excellent alternative to a bank guarantee which does not increase exposure with banks
  • no strain on the cash flow
  • customizable to your unique needs

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Completati formularul de mai jos si specialistii nostri va vor contacta pentru a va oferi o solutie personalizata

Datele personale vor fi prelucrate doar pe durata procesarii solicitarii.  Mai multe detalii in sectiunea de Data Protection.